A gift from Siemens : Strengthscope®

I have been living in Germany for a few months now, and I have started looking for employment opportunities. After applying for some fascinating student and full-time positions at Siemens, I received an email with the title “Ein Geschenk von Siemens an Sie” which means a gift from Siemens to you! What was that gift?Continue reading “A gift from Siemens : Strengthscope®”

Fundamentals of Business Administration – Management, Marketing, Logistics, Production

Although I have a master’s in engineering and I love the technical aspects of a business, I have great passion and appreciation of the commercial side as well. I believe a good engineer should be able to comprehend and integrate both aspects of a business in their work. That is why, when granted the opportunity,Continue reading “Fundamentals of Business Administration – Management, Marketing, Logistics, Production”

Catia V5 – Generative shape design & DMU Kinematics

It has been a long while since my last post on this blog, I have not forgotten about my goals of continuous professional development though. I have not had the time to write mainly because I was having a hectic time. Since June 2022, I have been working at Bronze Industrial Group, as a designContinue reading “Catia V5 – Generative shape design & DMU Kinematics”

Water Tank Control Automation (PLC and HMI)

Automation in industry is happening at a rapid pace these days. With the invention of highly functional AI and the internet of things, this pace is going to increase even further. While discussing this issue with a friend, he introduced me to the concepts of PLC programming, and HMI design, and I decided to gainContinue reading “Water Tank Control Automation (PLC and HMI)”

A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations

As part of my continuous professional development, I find it is essential to keep up to date with the latest changes in engineering software. To that end, I took the course generously provided by Cornell University and Ansys Inc. on EdX, called “A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations.” Unfortunately, I could not get the certificateContinue reading “A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations”

Identifying Stressors and Building Resilience

The course defines stress. And gives a broad overview of what stress is and how we can name stress in our life.
Afterwards, Ameer Rosic offers a framework for finding and reacting/responding to stress. The video gives practical tips on re-framing stressors and responses to them.
Taking the course, you will learn how to implement stress management strategies in the workplace. The videos therein focus on building resilience and emotional agility. The speaker offers three main strategies, in an interactive online seminar.

Time Management

The first unit of the Time and Stress Management course on Saylor Academy defines time management and how to organize time through using some sort of to-do list or checklist method. It helps you become more effective in completing work- and business-related tasks so that you still have time to devote to other priority activities. The course also discusses goal setting as a powerful tool that you can use for motivation and to help you keep track of accomplishments. The tutors also offer tips to avoid feeling overwhelmed by to-do lists, learn how to use to-do lists effectively and how to review commitments to determine importance.

Udemy’s Complete Python Bootcamp, From Zero to Hero in Python, Milestone Projects

Milestone Projects of the Udemy’s Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python
* 2 Player terminal based TicTacToe

Toy Rowboat 3D Model, Solidworks

Nowadays, it is easy to acquire new skills as there are numerous courses online on a variety of topics. I find the most practical and the best at teaching are those that try to guide you through a project. While it is easy to memorize a few theories long enough to pass an exam andContinue reading “Toy Rowboat 3D Model, Solidworks”

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